Daily Archives: May 12, 2008

Playing At The Park

Ah, I remember those days when I was very young when I got to have a friend from school come over and play.  I remember how excited I would get waiting on the clock to get to the right time so we could go pick them up.  I got to see that in Layne’s eyes this past Saturday.  He has made a wonderful new little friend named Clayton who just moved here in January.  They love the same things and are just so much alike.  They have a great time together.  They wanted to go play at the park and even though it was getting cloudy we agreed to take them.  The rain held off for a while and they got to play for about an hour.  About thirty minutes after we got home we suddenly found ourselves huddled in the hallway with the tornado sirens going at full force.  I was so thankful we were home and not at the park!  Everything turned out fine and the boys never even really noticed anything was going on!  All in all we had a great day! 

Layne spinning himself sick!

John-Isaac playing

Linley taking it all in!

Layne swinging with Linley.

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